Keiken bridges technology, ecology and humanity through alternative ideas of bodies, using video game design and avatar-building aesthetics as artistic tools for generating political messages. “The Metaverse Womb” (2020) is a new media installation, a screening and a live motion-capture performance in collaboration with pregnant choreographer and dancer Naama Tomaszpolski Ityel who will be performing, both digitally and physically, wearing costume HYDRA uniform offsprings created by phygital researcher, practitioner and fashion designer Agf HYDRA. Keiken perform live with the characters and real people of their film produced with CGI artist Ryan Vautier and dancer, model and activist Sakeema Crook. The presentation utilizes Off World Live’s software tools for interactive and gamified live-streaming and builds on a symbology of creating life and being a vessel that encompasses all gender and age.
Direction, concept and CGI by
Performer, choreography, vocals and concept by
Naama Tomaszpolski Ityel
Phygital Fashion by
Score and sound design by
Software tools by
Off World Live
Film 'We are at the end of something" produced in collaboration with CGI artist Ryan Vautier and model and dancer Sakeema Crook. Additional sound design Rob Malone and assistant cinematography Sarah Blome